Wednesday, November 12, 2008

End of Dark Knight

Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now... and so we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector... a dark knight.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Standardization Final

Argument # 2: “I trust my gentle giant, Tyson, completely."
Savard, Kelsey. "I trust my gentle giant, Tyson, completely." The Ottawa Citizen 2, Nov. 2008: A15.
7 - The ban is only is place because we have stupid and irresponsible owners
2 - A dog is a dog no matter what breed they may be
3 - A dog is what we make them, friendly or vicious, it all depends on how its raised
4 - Crack down on the owner not the dog
5 - Tyson is a gentle pit-bull breed dog
6 - I trust him completely
1 – I’m completely outraged and terribly upset

Sunday, November 9, 2008


-Opening the secret wickedness of one's adversary before his face.
-reproaching a person with wickedness to his face
-Direct exposure of an adversary's faults.

-From the Greek, "accusation"

Also Known As:

My Own Examples:
An employer berating an employee in front of customer
“You stupid lazy fool, I told you to mop up this mess, you didn’t, a**hole!!!!! How many times do I have to tell you? You can’t do anything right! Well? Get moving you worthless worker!

Girlfriend breaking up with boyfriend
“You stupid, drunken, no good jerk. You sleep around with all the girls and don’t think i’ll find out. You dumb a**hole, we’re over.” (SLAPS HIM HARD)
Media Examples:
"The average American judge, as everyone knows, is a mere rabbinical automation, with no more give and take in his mind than you will find in the mind of a terrier watching a rathole."
(H. L. Mencken, "Mr. Justice Holmes")

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Standardizing Arguments # 2

Argument # 2: “I trust my gentle giant, Tyson, completely."
Savard, Kelsey. "I trust my gentle giant, Tyson, completely." The Ottawa Citizen 2, Nov. 2008: A15.
7 - The ban is only is place because we have stupid and irresponsible owners
2 - A dog is a dog no matter what breed they may be
3 - A dog is what we make them, friendly or vicious, it all depends on how its raised
4 - Crack down on the owner not the dog
5 - Tyson is a gentle pit-bull breed dog
6 - I trust him completely
1 – I’m completely outraged and terribly upset

Standardizing Arguments # 1

Argument # 1: “’Year of change’ coming to Afghanistan, outgoing general says”
Blackwell, Tom. "’Year of change’ coming to Afghanistan, outgoing general says." The Ottawa Citizen 2 Nov. 2008: A3.

4 - Most people don’t see the success we’ve had already
5 - Gen. David McKiernan, leader of all NATO forces in Afghanistan blames the media for the bad portrayal

3 - Increase of US troops assigned to the conflict next year will make a difference in the war.
2 - Ranking Canadian General in the country predicts so
1 - After months of bloody insurgent attacks, the tide of the war is about to change