Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Standardizing Arguments # 2

Argument # 2: “I trust my gentle giant, Tyson, completely."
Savard, Kelsey. "I trust my gentle giant, Tyson, completely." The Ottawa Citizen 2, Nov. 2008: A15.
7 - The ban is only is place because we have stupid and irresponsible owners
2 - A dog is a dog no matter what breed they may be
3 - A dog is what we make them, friendly or vicious, it all depends on how its raised
4 - Crack down on the owner not the dog
5 - Tyson is a gentle pit-bull breed dog
6 - I trust him completely
1 – I’m completely outraged and terribly upset


Tyler Keith said...

maybe merge your (5) and (6) because they are quite similar. and without prior knowledge "him" could refer to anyone. overall really good though

Yohanaman said...

i agree ma frend

Kiiwaytiino Mkwa said...

Me too, or at least say 5 thus 6 as 6 seems 'caused' by 5.