Sunday, November 9, 2008


-Opening the secret wickedness of one's adversary before his face.
-reproaching a person with wickedness to his face
-Direct exposure of an adversary's faults.

-From the Greek, "accusation"

Also Known As:

My Own Examples:
An employer berating an employee in front of customer
“You stupid lazy fool, I told you to mop up this mess, you didn’t, a**hole!!!!! How many times do I have to tell you? You can’t do anything right! Well? Get moving you worthless worker!

Girlfriend breaking up with boyfriend
“You stupid, drunken, no good jerk. You sleep around with all the girls and don’t think i’ll find out. You dumb a**hole, we’re over.” (SLAPS HIM HARD)
Media Examples:
"The average American judge, as everyone knows, is a mere rabbinical automation, with no more give and take in his mind than you will find in the mind of a terrier watching a rathole."
(H. L. Mencken, "Mr. Justice Holmes")

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