Monday, December 15, 2008

Hamlet 1.2

The major families: Hamlet's and Polonius'

Hamlet's Family:
the crisis in Hamlets family is undoubtedly the death of old Hamlet, which took place before the play. In this 'loving' family, old Hamlet is killed by his brother, Claudius, who then marries the seemingly oblivious widow, Gertrude. So individually Hamlet's crises is the knowledge that his uncle Claudius actually killed his father, Gertrude's is her guilt, and Claudius’s is his fear of Hamlet and the consequences if Hamlet should uncover the truth.
Each deal with their problems in unique ways. Hamlet is depressed and mopes around the castle which makes everyone else depressed, then he goes on a murderous rampage seeking revenge. Gertrude marries Claudius to secure her position her position to the throne. Claudius feeling safe in his position as he assassinated his brother, fakes mourning to create a front, then quickly takes the throne. He tries to get Hamlet killed, but everything backfires and everyone dies instead.

Polonius’ family:
The crisis of Polonius’ family is the king’s death and the death of Polonius by Hamlet in the middle of the play. The family is strangely not overly affected by old Hamlet’s death. But very concerned about their father’s death. Ophelia, Hamlets lover, has a bigger crisis then her brother as her lover killed her father, due to this she goes mad and ends up killing herself. Laertes really mad due to his fathers death seeks revenge on Hamlet, for the death of his father, and for the death of Ophelia and works in hand with the king. He duels Hamlet in which both of them die.

Nuclear Families:
Hamlet once had a nuclear family, with two loving parents and him. But after the death of old Hamlet in went to the dumps. No more was there love in the house and each were trying to backstab each other.

Polonius’ family is the typically nuclear family, besides the fact there is no mother present, there’s good communication, love and acceptance. Over all a good family.

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