Monday, December 15, 2008

Hamlet 1.6

When one goes from being sane to insane people will indisputably take notice. This can be seen in Hamlet, once he goes crazy many different people take note. Though he ways in fact NOT insane all appearances made it seem so. How? Internally Hamlet was plotting his revenge, plans within plans, to succeed he appeared to be mad so that people would think him so. All external factors said he was nuts. He begins long monologs that could may or may not be relevant to any point at all. Hamlet acted like a crazy person interpreting plays, in fact rigging plays that he himself wrote. Mad his lover mad and made everyone really mad at him. So Hamlet playing crazy is very convincing, debates have been raging to see if Hamlet is indeed crazy. Was he? No. He was just pretending. How does Hamlets plans turn out? Claudius thinks he is truly nuts and wants him killed, out of the picture. Horatio like a true friends sees through his BS, and wants to help him, and it works out for him as he is the last man standing. Gertrude thinks he nuts and betrays him to Claudius. Ophelia herself goes mad and commits suicide. What a truly happy ending, NOT!

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