Monday, December 15, 2008

Hamlet 1.3

Hamlet has a very simple plot, father dies at hands of uncle, mother marries uncle, son pissed off and wants revenge. There is some fun action on the side like lover goes insane and lovers brother blames Hamlet, overall a very intriguing story. Each character has their own views of right and wrong. Every character reacts to a situation in a different way, moping, murdering, or suicide. How each one translates to their own reality influences the way the story plays out.

Hamlet, mad at the world, seeing no support from his mother or lover turns on both of them. He goes on a rampage killing and seeking out a way to avenge his father by killing his uncle. Hamlets lack of respect for life at the end leads up to his death. The second Hamlets finds out his father was murdered can be considered the beginning of the end for him.

Gertrude, seeking social status marries her husbands murdered to secure her place on the throne. She shuts out Hamlet and is oblivious to everything around her. This got her killed when she unknowingly drinks from the poisoned cup.

Claudius thinks he got away with the murder of Hamlet, and is threatened once Hamlet finds out. He sets in motion many ways of killing Hamlet all of which backfire upon himself and lead to his death, the assassinator was assassinated.

The family unit is the most important factor within society. Time and again there are examples of what happens when the family unit fails, mayhem exists. The family unit provides support and security for all, without it society would fall. It is built on order and law, which in turn are the foundation to society itself. The family unit and society go hand in hand.

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