Monday, December 15, 2008

Hamlet 1.4 (The extra 1.4, outline)

Intro Paragraph (I know I was only suppose to do a thesis . . .)

Everyone wears a mask to protect their identity from staring eyes. Though not literal these masks protect use more then we think. Only when we are alone with those we trust do these mask come off and the inner person shines forth. When we are hurt we put on a mask to hide our pain, we wear different masks in front of different people and for different situations. In Hamlet, every one wears a mask to hide a secret identity, and once we remove these masks from them we truly have a different view of them.

Reason: Claudius wears a mask at all times
Example: Claudius murdered his brother, the former king Hamlet, in order to become king himself. This was done in secret, with no one but Claudius knowing that the act was committed by him. When Claudius confronts anyone, he must become someone totally different. Claudius puts on a mask of his own. He is no longer the self-serving, cold, murdering man that he really is, instead he becomes a kind, caring man who does his very best to ensure that Gertrude stays with him. His mask was hiding his true self.
Example: He knows he has done wrong and only along with god does his mask come off.
“Where to serves mercy
But to confront the visage of offense?
And that’s in prayer but his twofold force,
to be forestalled are we come to fall,
Or pardoned being down?
He then answers his own question by saying,
But, O, what form of prayer
can serve my turn?
Forgive me my foul murder?
That cannot be, since I am still possessed
of those efforts for which I did the murder!
My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen.

Reason: Every female has a mask she has to wear at all times
Example: Ophelia’s mask was one of social order, and as such was far more fragile then others. At the play she puts on a cool front towards Hamlet and keeps up appearances.
Example: Gertrude’s mask is one of ignorance. She refusing to belief Claudius killed her late husband. Once Gertrude believes Hamlet’s story it doesn’t affect her. Her mask is of ignorance and possible stubbornness

Reason: Hamlet’s mask was madness
Example: Hamlet blames Polonius death on his own madness
“If Hamlet from himself be taken away,
And when he’s not himself does wrong Laertes,
Then Hamlet does it not; Hamlet denies it.
Who does it then? His madness”
Example: In his madness Hamlet hurt Ophelia really bad. So much so that thought he loved her anymore, but again it was his madness for when she died he stated that he still loved her.
“I loved Ophelia,
Forty thousand brothers
could not with their quantity of love.
Make up my sum.”

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