Monday, December 15, 2008

Hamlet 1.5

“Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation, which he subsequently extended to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity.”

So how does this confusing triangle above relate to Hamlet? If one was to go step by comparing each level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs to Hamlet one would draw very interesting results. Starting at physiological needs, Hamlet passes with flying colors. But with every other corresponding level he fails, terrible.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs states in 'safety' that a person needs safety of family of morality among others. Safety of family was never to be found, his mother married his fathers murder, his uncle who hates Hamlet and wants him dead. Morality? What morality, he talks of suicide and wanting to kill his uncle, morals were never a barrier for anyone in this play.

That brings us up to need of love from family, friends etc. His family hatred him, back stabbed him and wanted him dead. His lover hatred him, his friends were used against him, and then he got them killed! No love for poor Hamlet!

The second highest need is esteem. Self-esteem, respect of others, respect by others.Nowhere is there to found esteem in hamlet. He talks about killing himself, and no one respects his ravings. He respects none as he wants to kill them all.

And lastly we come to Self-actualization which involves problem solving, and acceptance of facts. Hamlet's problem solving equals killing all around him and going mad, making others go mad and cause havoc. Acceptance of Facts? He could never accept that his uncle is now his step-father. He never accepts what the now has to offer!

So according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs Hamlet needs a lot, and then some more.

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